Balancing ecosystems
When seaweed grows where it’s supposed to, it promotes healthy oxygen levels, creates a refuge for marine life, and improves the health of coastal ecosystems.
Promoting tourism
Proper management of harmful algal blooms avoids having to close beaches and promotes touristic activity on the shorelines.
Supporting communities
From fishing to harvesting, a healthy seaweed ecosystem provides vital livelihood opportunities for coastal communities.
Boosting economies
A valuable resource, seaweed can be transformed into valuable end products from plastic alternatives to biofertilizers.

Our pioneering, autonomous aquatic technology harvests sargassum in a way that is both sustainable and scalable.

Our innovative, portable micro-biorefineries allow communities to transform harvested seaweed into valuable chemical compounds suitable for sale in myriad industries.

From plague to profit: exploiting Mexico’s Sargassum blooms