Great atlantic sargassum belt: turning problems into solutions

News of the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt has received global media coverage recently as swathes of the algal bloom wash ashore in Florida. We’ve been carefully monitoring this news as awareness of the issue grows, and local communities and businesses become increasingly concerned about its impact.

Regions like Florida, Mexico, and the Caribbean are no strangers to sargassum blooms. But it’s becoming an increasingly common occurrence. 

Over the last few decades, the combination of human pollution and warmer waters has led to an imbalance in our oceans – and that includes seaweed ecosystems. When it occurs naturally, sargassum is a haven for wildlife, providing vital breeding and feeding grounds as well as shelter. But in its masses, this invasive species sucks oxygen out of the water, creating dead zones. On land, sargassum blooms clog beaches, devastate local tourism industries, and produce hydrogen sulfide, a highly irritant (and smelly) gas that can impact human health.

But it’s not all bad news. Where others see a problem, we see a solution. Where others see a blob, we see a brilliant opportunity to restore balance.

Changing our perception is crucial for sustainably managing climate impacts like sargassum blooms. That’s why we’re rethinking seaweed management, creating an end-to-end solution that sustainably harvests sargassum and turns it into valuable resources while creating economic opportunities for local communities.

Read more about the widespread media coverage here:

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